Add-Ons & Other Services

Some of our add-on services are included in some products but can be engaged separately.

Go to this page to see our recommended 3rd party services, including email and domain registrations!

  • The 3D Web
  • Graphics and Photos
  • Logos and Branding
  • Video and Audio Production
  • Focused Research
  • Book Editing, Publishing and Cover Design

The 3D Web

The Metaverse generates a lot of buzz without generating much usable technology.  But there are exceptions.

OpenSimulator is an open source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application server. It allows you to create a virtual world, from a small one on your laptop, to a massive multi-user grid running in the cloud. Just as links allow you to go from one website to another, a facility called the hypergrid allows you to travel from one opensimulator virtual world to another. Virtual worlds on the hypergrid are used in a variety of ways. Training exercises and simulations such as Emergency Response, have found Opensim as a useful cost-effective tool. Schools and universities find Opensim to be a good way to deliver immersive distance learning, and several universities have full virtual campuses. Conferences and business meetings also benefit from immersive 3D collaboration. Filmmakers use Opensim to create cost effective real time 3D animation, known as Machinima. And, of course, people have fun with virtual gaming, art galleries, performances and social action of all kinds.

A machinima animation filmed in Open Simulator makes great web animations

Virtual Reality, 3D Interaction and gamification, 3D printing are getting ready to explode into the next big thing (once the hype cycle dies down). Will your business be ready to take advantage of it? I can help!

  • Add 3D interactive elements to your website
  • Convert your brand to a virtual world
  • Virtual apps and servers consulting
  • Metaverse In-world meetings, conferences, training, events & consulting
  • Online training, demos and games
  • Machinima animated video (e.g. video shot in a virtual world. Here is a brilliant example)
  • Machinima sets and models to generate production storyboards
  • 3D models and objects for use in the Metaverse, printed in 3D or shared on Sketchfab.

Graphics & Photos

Media Company Logo

I can work with your artist, photographer or graphic designer.  I can also provide one-stop shopping, and bring in a designer, or if your needs are simple, I can provide a range of graphics and photos. I don’t really consider myself an artist, but then I do get art published.

Logos and Branding

If you have an existing logo and/or branding styles, My creations will conform to them.  If you do not, I can help create a logo and branding style for your business.  Here are a few that I have done over the years.

Video & Audio Production

I write scripts as part of inbound marketing products, but I can also produce simple videos. Here are some Sample Videos that I have scripted and produced:




Audio Production notes will be added later. I help with Podcasts, Audio Books and more.
In the meantime, here is a link to my DJ page.

Book Editing, Publishing and Cover Design

I can help you with Book Editing, Publishing, and Cover design. Please message me to inquire further.
